2007年3月1日 星期四

Julian Field 入了院

Julian Field 是 MailScanner 的主要 developer,他上星期五比發現在家中昏迷,現時仍在深切治療室留醫,情況尚算穩定。希望他盡快康復。

Julian Field, the developer of MailScanner was admitted to the hospital this weekend. He is in ICU though stable condition. I'll not go into any details, anyone interested and not on the MS list can read the thread on the MS archive,


Currently any plans for cards and such as are on hold until further instructions are given to the MS list. However Matt Hampton has setup a clustermap at,


Matt will also forward any well wishes left on the website along with the map. Visiting the page will show Julian and his family just how far reaching his software is and how many people appreciate his efforts.

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