2006年12月22日 星期五

十一月份的垃圾郵件比上月增加了 35%

來源: Infomation Week

Spam volume soared another 35% in November, an e-mail security vendor said Thursday, and the month saw spam tactics that reduced the efficiency of traditional anti-spam filters.

"There's been a huge increase in spam volume," says David Mayer, a product manager at IronPort Systems, "from 31 billion spams a day on average in October 2005 to 63 billion in October 2006. But in November, we saw two surges that averaged 85 billion messages a day, one from Nov. 13 to 22, the other from Nov. 26 to 28.

一年之內已經多了一倍!!! 其實除了全世界改變 SMTP 的模式,否則垃圾郵件的問題只會越來越嚴重。

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